With two weeks of practice, we can see the talent that there is in some of our players and that is very valuable since, as I always say, South Africa has many talents but the opportunities are lacking, that is why our academy gives opportunities to all those who register and we try to do our best since the passion is immense and we have to give everyone the opportunity to play and prove themselves.

I think my academy has shown and continues to show that the number of players who play in the PSL, NFD, MDC and abroad come from APAA. We don’t try to compete with anyone, we just develop all the players for a better future.

These two weeks we have watched  as always, observing the players where we can improve their technical elements and what areas thye should work on.

Although players continue to register, we are evaluating all those who played  previously and the new ones.

Families are a very big support and I congratulate those who accompany the players from  different ages.

The coaches are always evaluating and monitoring all the players, it is very important.

The registration continues and are open on the days the  APAA practice, which is a Thursday 3.pm to 5.30.pm Saturday from 9am to 12pm

We will continue reporting our activities and showing some photos

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